Over 60% of product returns are largely due to faulty user technique. To address this I met with customers, engineers, management, and then learned what the guy in the field needed to really know. I handled design, project management, copywriting, production. We had to create educational materials in both Spanish and English and provide educational Powerpoint programs for reps as well. This meant, research, writing, design, handling photography, finding Spanish translators that knew the industry (industry terms vary by country), production and printing. End result: returns dropped 50%...and we created a wealth of materials that could educate users as well as sell products. Our thanks to the management of Brugg at the time, who only had one rule...get results.
User Reference materials in Spanish
Responsible for all design, content, project management, production and printing. Some projects demanded assembling and coordinating teams to produce.
Educational materials for field reps and clients
User Reference Guide Used in US and Europe markets.
Online Email Marketing to Spanish and English audiences
There's an old saw that people won't read any more. That's not true: if the message is compelling enough, they'll take the time. Our emails acquired a 20-25% open rate with 15% clicks. When you consider that these messages were largely broadcasts and promised no special offers...that means the consumer was actually reading and absorbing the information.